侏罗纪公园二票房 侏罗纪公园各部票房

游戏攻略 2025-03-25 10:30:54


侏罗纪公园二票房 侏罗纪公园各部票房侏罗纪公园二票房 侏罗纪公园各部票房

侏罗纪公园二票房 侏罗纪公园各部票房





5、 1 Titanic Paramount Pictures $600,788,188 12/19/1997泰坦尼克号 派拉蒙映画2 The Dark Knight Warner Bros. Pictures Distribution $533,345,358 07/18/2008蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士 华纳兄弟出品 3 Star Wars 20th Century Fox $460,998,007 05/25/1977星球大战 20世纪福克斯出品4 Shrek 2 DreamWorks $441,226,247 05/19/2004大白鲨2 梦工厂出品 5 E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial Universal Pictures $435,110,554 06/11/1982ET外星人 环球电影制片厂。



8、狮子王,指环王,海底总动员 我估计大部分你都看过,1 Titanic Paramount Pictures $600,788,188 12/19/19972 The Dark Knight Warner Bros. Pictures Distribution $533,345,358 07/18/20083 Star Wars 20th Century Fox $460,998,007 05/25/19774 Shrek 2 DreamWorks $441,226,247 05/19/20045 E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial Universal Pictures $435,110,554 06/11/19826 Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace N/A $431,088,301 05/19/19997 Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest Buena Vista Pictures Distribution, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures International $423,315,812 07/07/20068 Spider-Man Sony Pictures International, Sony Pictures Releasing $403,706,375 05/03/20029 Star Wars: Episode III - Rnge of the Sith 20th Century Fox $380,270,577 05/19/200510 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King New Line Cinema $377,027,325 12/17/200311 Spider-Man 2 Sony Pictures Releasing $373,585,825 06/30/200412 The Passion of the Christ Equinoxe Films, Newmarket Films $370,782,930 02/25/200413 Jurassic Park United International Pictures (UIP), Universal Pictures $357,067,947 06/11/199314 The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers New Line Cinema $341,786,758 12/18/200215 Finding Nemo Buena Vista Pictures Distribution $339,714,978 05/30/200316 Spider-Man 3 Sony Pictures Releasing $336,530,303 05/04/200717 Forrest Gump Paramount Pictures $329,694,499 07/06/199418 The Lion King Buena Vista Pictures Distribution $328,541,776 06/15/199419 Shrek the Third DreamWorks, Paramount Pictures, Paramount Pictures International (PPI) $322,719,944 05/18/200720 Transformers Di Bonentura Pictures, Inc., Paramount Pictures International (PPI), DreamWorks, Paramount Pictures $319,246,193 07/03/2007。


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