
游戏社区 2025-01-23 10:29:52

"Launched" 一词是一个多义词,可以根据不同的语境而具有不同的含义。作为动词,它通常表示以下含义:


1. 发射、投放或推出:

发射火箭:The rocket was launched into space. 投放炸弹:The plane launched its bombs on the target. 推出新产品:The company launched a new smartphone.

2. 开始、启动或创立:

启动一项计划:The government has launched a new initiative to reduce poverty. 创立一家公司:The entrepreneurs launched a startup in the tech industry. 开始一段旅行:We launched our boat from the marina.

3. 发送或分发:

发送电子邮件:I launched an email to my colleagues. 分发宣传单:The volunteers launched flyers around the neighborhood. 发表言论或建议:The politician launched a controversial proposal.

Launched 的其他用法:

形容词:Launched 用于描述已经发射、推出或开始的物品或事件,例如:"The launched satellite is now in orbit." 名词:Launch 指代发射或投放过程本身,例如:"The launch of the spaceship was witnessed by millions." 同义词:Launch 的同义词包括:发射、投放、推出、开始、创立、发送、分发。

Launched 的时态和语态:

Launch 可以用于各种时态和语态。以下是其基本形式:

现在时:launch 过去时:launched 过去分词:launched 进行时:launching 被动语态:be launched


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