1、一、详细释义: , n. , 感觉,触觉 , 例句: ,I also had a strange Feeling in my neck.,我的脖子感觉也很奇怪。
2、, 例句: ,He experienced feelings of claustrophobia from being in a all place.,他呆在一个狭小的地方,体验到了幽闭恐惧症的感觉。
3、, 想法,看法;态度,意见 [sing.] , 例句: ,My own feeling is that we should buy it.,我个人的看法是我们应该把它买下来., (feelings) 情感,感情 , 例句: ,He was afraid of hurting my feelings.,他怕伤了我的心。
4、, 例句: ,He has no respect, no regard for anyone's feelings.,他不尊重,也不顾及别人的感受。
5、, 激动, , 例句: ,He was prompted to a rare outburst of feeling.,他被惹得情绪非常激动,这很少见。
6、, 例句: ,There was nr any burst of feeling, any warmth of indignation or delight, at the evil or good of others.,他对别人的优缺点从来没有激动过,从来没有表示过强烈的喜怒。
7、, 理解力,领悟力,敏感 , 例句: ,Try to get a feeling for the people who live here.,试着去理解在这片土地上生息的人们。
8、, 例句: ,You seem to he a feeling for drawing.,看来你有绘画的天赋。
9、, 同情,爱 , 例句: ,Thomas nr lost his feeling for Harriet.,托马斯对哈丽雅特的爱从未消逝。
10、, 例句: ,It's incredible that Peter can behe with such stupid lack of feeling.,彼得行事如此麻木不仁,真是难以置信。
11、, 身体感觉,知觉 , 例句: ,After the accident he had no feeling in his legs.,过后,他的腿丧失了知觉。
12、, 例句: ,The cold made him lose feeling in his fingers.,他的手指被冻麻了。
13、, 气氛 [sing.] , 例句: ,That's what we tried to portray in the book, this feeling of opulence and grandeur.,那就是我们在书中竭力描绘的——一种富丽堂皇的气氛。
14、, 例句: ,There is a weird feeling about the place.,这地方有一种神秘的气氛。
15、, 二、词义辨析: , emotion,feeling,passion,affection,sentiment ,这些名词的共同含义是“感情”或“情感”之意。
17、泛指因外界 而引起思想情感从细微变化到最强烈的发作。
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