pecking是什么意思 peck是什么意思翻译成中文

游戏笔记 2025-03-20 10:31:30


pecking是什么意思 peck是什么意思翻译成中文pecking是什么意思 peck是什么意思翻译成中文

pecking是什么意思 peck是什么意思翻译成中文

1、adj. 饥饿的;急躁的饥饿的... pecking order 啄序 peckish 饥饿的 Pecksniff 佩克斯列夫式的 ...急躁的急躁的(peckish), 此释义来源于网络辞典。

2、饿的... pettish易怒的 peckish饿的 nettlesome令人激恼的 ...例句:Looks may not kill, but they can lee you feeling peckish.长相也许不会致命,但它们可能会让你感到饥肠辘辘。

3、What do a peckish bee-eater, two shaggy bisons going head-to-head in snow, and pelicans dancing in a pristine lake all he in common?一只饥肠辘辘的食蜂鸟,两头在雪地里相互抵角的长毛野牛,以及在一片原始湖泊中翩翩起舞的鹈鹕们,它们有什么共同点吗?A train of mules trailed behind them, carrying chests, casks, barrels, and hampers of delectables to keep the lord of cheese from growing peckish.一队骡子跟在他们后面,驮着箱子、木桶、酒桶和盛着美味食品的篮子,以防止奶酪大王变得饥肠辘辘。

4、If you're feeling peckish, a few minutes' strolls away is the barbecue buffet, where you can tuck into a vast collection of ribs, salmon, prawns, and salads.如果您感到饥肠辘辘,步行几分钟就可以看到 的自助烧烤摊,那里有排骨、三文鱼、大虾和沙拉,您可以大吃一顿。

5、In fact, thinking of them makes me a little peckish.事实上,想到他们,我又饿了。

6、If you're feeling peckish, there's some cheese in the fridge.你要是觉得有点儿饿,冰箱里还有些奶酪。

7、Should you feel peckish before bed, consider a carbohydrate-rich snack.如果你睡前肚子饿,考虑下富含碳水化合物的小吃吧。

8、Lenore: Yes, I am a bit peckish, especially as I didn't he anything for breakfast.勒诺:不错,我确实有点饿了,何况我没有吃早餐。


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